Dynamic identification of Kuka LWR : Trajectory without load
This video shows a trajectory without load used to identify the dynamic parameters of the links, load and torque sensor gain of the Kuka LWR manipulator.
Details and results are given in the papers:
A. Jubien, M. Gautier, A. Janot: Dynamic identification of the Kuka LWR robot using motor torques and joint torque sensors data, preprint 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town (2014) pp. 8391-8396,
M. Gautier, A. Jubien: Force calibration of the Kuka LWR-like robots including embedded joint torque sensors and robot structure, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intel. Robot. Syst. (IROS), Chicago (2014) pp. 416-421
Maxime Gautier
Thanks to Anthony Jubien and Sebastien Briot.
Latitude =47.250361 , Longitude = -1.547297 (link to Google Maps)